Wassail, Pirates of the Carabina and Lissy Jane in association with Yeovil College present
Let The Sun Shine
Let The Sun Shine forms part of Wassail’s Somerset Emergency Theatre programme.
The project's aims are:
To give audiences in Somerset and Dorset something to look forward to in 2021.
To help people living close to Yeovil feel the sun shine on their faces.
To make people smile.
Somerset Emergency Theatre: what’s that?
Somerset Emergency Theatre is a programme of activity managed by Wassail, designed to ensure artists and audiences remain culturally connected during the challenges created by coronavirus.
You can find out more information on the work we’ve supported so far, here.
So, what’s the show?
Wassail is commissioning young artists from Yeovil College to turn the Yeovil folk story, Jack The Treacle Eater, into a live performance for the general public. It will be aimed at everyone aged 6+.
We expect the show will take place in the real-world, outside, at Yeovil College and will confirm performance details nearer the time. If you'd like to be kept informed about the dates please email wasson@wassailtheatre.co.uk.
We'd like to make sure we make the right decision for how to stage this show and as such are inviting our target audience to complete a survey to help us consider our options.
Please click on the link below by Thursday 18 March for a very brief questionnaire. It will take around 1 minute to complete.
Let The Sun Shine is a commission for Yeovil College Performing Arts students. You can download the commission brief here.