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Social Media

Over recent years, there has been a massive growth in the popularity and use of social media such as (but not limited to) Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Our guidelines relating to the use of such media have been drawn up in order to protect both the public image of the producers and the production and the privacy and professional reputations of its company members, creative team and staff. 


Company members should not conduct conversations with each other in the public forum of publicly viewable pages that provide any confidential or negative information about the production, any colleague or anything related to Wassail’s business. 


If you wish to personally maintain a public social media presence you should adhere to the following guidelines: 

• Positive posts in relation to the production are fine and generally welcomed but please think very carefully about the propriety of a post before it goes into the public domain. 

• Please remember to always include Wassail’s social media handles when talking about a Wassail production. Our handles on Twitter & Instagrams are @wassailtheatre & @wassailtheatre and it’s

• Show Stops, Technical Problems, Mistakes Etc. Unforeseen technical problems, mishaps or accidents may on occasion seem like “funny stories” to share, but in making these issues public, you would be undermining the reputation of the production and also the professional reputation of a department or individual responsible for the relevant aspect of the production.

• Please be respectful of all of your colleagues, and the production.

• We ask that while you are engaged by Wassail you do not publicly fundraise or show support for any organisation that seeks to discriminate against any individual due to their gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or disability. 

• No company member or individual engaged in relation to a production should ever participate in chat room conversations relating to Wassail, the production, its creative team, company members or staff at any time or provide any information about the production or its company members to any third party. 


Whilst engaged by Wassail you remain our responsibility and we strive to maintain a protective and positive working environment at all times. We can only continue to do this with your adherence to, and understanding of, these guidelines. 

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