Level 3 Diploma project one:
The Fizz? What’s that?
The Fizz is a commission for Level 3 Performing & Production Arts Diploma students.
The aims of this project are:
To introduce Audience Aims
To create original, authentic performances
To identify and play to strengths.
Sounds interesting. What do I need to do?
Create and share a short, original, solo performance that can be performed outside.
What are the important dates?
Launch date: Wednesday 6th October
R&D period: 6-29 October
Rehearsal period: 1-12 November
Performances: 16-19 November
Portfolio hand in: Thursday 25 November
Assessment & Feedback: 30 November-3 December.
Aha. So, how will I be assessed?
You will be assessed on a portfolio of evidence that captures your creative process. There's more information on Moodle to help you.